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Author: Andy

Mint launch social distancing health and safety graphics and supporting educational resources developed specifically for primary schools.

Parents and teaching staff alike are asking the same question. How will we preserve the health and safety of our children and colleagues as society takes it’s tentative first steps on the road to the resuming of normal everyday life?

We have developed a set of primary school focused floor graphics to help teaching staff educate children in social distancing measures in a fun, engaging and relatable way. With the easily understandable message of ‘stay safe… stay 5 cats apart’. We are also providing each school with access to an online toolkit resource of files containing individual graphics for each of our lovely monsters, to use for teaching and lesson plans to help schools build their own individual programme of health and safety, ready for when the children return to school. We are also on hand to help with any other items to support school’s social distancing programmes, such as pull-up banners, wall graphics, direction arrows, ‘5 cats’ distance measure graphics and hand sanitising stations, all of which are branded with one of our monsters and individual message.

1 set of 6 floor graphics – 500x500mm self adhesive floor grade durable, waterproof graphics with slip resistant textured finish. £85
2 sets of 6 floor graphics – 500x500mm self adhesive floor grade durable, waterproof graphics with slip resistant textured finish. £149
3 sets of 6 floor graphics – 500x500mm self adhesive floor grade durable, waterproof graphics with slip resistant textured finish. £195
5 sets of 6 floor graphics – 500x500mm self adhesive floor grade durable, waterproof graphics with slip resistant textured finish. £295
(+delivery and VAT)

For more information or to place an order
please email
or call us on 0113 457 6377